Lab News

Spring 2024

January 2024 - Brandon Castillo Flores, Aida Hassani, Victoria Ness, and Charu Raihan joined Epperson lab as undergraduate Research Assistants.

January 2024 - Dr. Anna E. Epperson was awarded an Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR) Early Stage Investigator Award to attend the 2024 ABMR gathering.

February 2024 - Brandon Castillo Flores was accepted into the competitive and funded summer research fellowship at UC Merced through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC).

March 2024 – Estrella Rico presented a poster titled, “Social Networks and Health: History and Place of Indigenous Communities in California”, at the UC Merced UROC Research Week Showcase and MCOE STEM Fair.

March 2024 – Allison Temourian presented three posters at the Society of Research for Nicotine and Tobacco’s annual meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland.

March 2024 – Meztli Galicia was accepted into Pepperdine University’s Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy program for fall 2024.

March 2024 – Luis Solorio accepted an offer from the University of Maine to join their Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program in fall 2024.

May 2024 - Selina successfully defended her Master's thesis entitled "The Influence of Ethnic/Racial and US National Identification on Cannabis User Prototype Perceptions and Willingess to Use Among Mexican American Young Adult Users."

Fall 2023

October 2023: Mary Garcia joined Epperson lab as the new Research Coordinator.

October 2023: Luis Solorio joined the Epperson lab as the new Research Lab Manager.

December 2023: Joselyn Vasquez, undergraduate Research Assistant, graduated from UC Merced with a Bachelor of Art in Psychology. Congratulations, Jo!