

Beutel M, Duvil R, Cubas F, Matthews D, Wilhelm F, Grizzard T. A review of managed nitrate addition to enhance surface water quality. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2016;46(7):673–700.
Nitrate is a significant water pollutant with potential environmental impacts ranging from eutrophication to health risks to infants. But under certain circumstances nitrate may enhance water quality through a number of mechanisms, including enhancing oxidant capacity, regulation of redox potential, and suppression of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. In this review the authors explore a range of case studies in which nitrate addition enhanced surface water quality including: purposeful addition of nitrate salts to lakes to repress internal phosphorus (P) loading, enhance organic matter oxidation, or impede bottom-water accumulation of methylmercury; purposeful and incidental addition of nitrate from point and nonpoint discharges to reservoirs and lakes; nitrogen (N) addition to lakes to affect phytoplankton and zooplankton composition; and nitrate addition to estuary sediment to repress hydrogen sulfide production. Nitrate addition decreased internal P and methylmercury loading, repressed sulfide production, and enhanced surface water quality by lowering total P, chlorophyll content, and phytoplankton dominance by cyanobacteria. No case study reported a worsening of eutrophic conditions due to nitrate addition, and a number of studies reported near complete loss of nitrate from the systems to which it was added. When purposely adding nitrate to anoxic surface waters, protocols should be used to maximize nitrate loss via biological denitrification but minimize enhancement of phytoplankton productivity. These protocols should include adding nitrate close to the sediment-water interface to promote nitrate loss via denitrification, managing the timing and magnitude of nitrate addition so that nitrate is depleted prior lake overturn in the fall, and not adding nitrate to N-limited systems. Elimination of existing N discharges to receiving waters should be implemented on a case-by-case basis with the awareness that nitrate in discharges may enhance surface water quality, particularly by suppressing internal P loading and associated phytoplankton productivity. In addition, managers and regulators should look to couple existing nitrate discharges with hypoxic water bodies in an effort to sustainably enhance water quality while removing nitrate from aquatic ecosystems via biological denitrification.
Beutel M, Cox S, Gebremariam S. Effects of chironomid density and dissolved oxygen on mercury efflux from profundal lake sediment. Lake and Reservoir Management. 2016;32(2):158–167.
Benthic macrofauna can dramatically affect the flux of dissolved compounds into and out of lake sediment. In this study, replicate experimental chambers containing profundal sediment from a relatively pristine lake were incubated under low (\~1000/m2) and high (\~3800/m2) chironomid densities and low (\~2.5 mg/L) and medium (\~5.0 mg/L) dissolved oxygen in chamber water. Dissolved methylmercury efflux rates were highest in high chironomid density/low oxygen chambers (0.35 ± 0.06 ng/m2/d, mean ± standard error, n = 4) and lowest in low density/medium oxygen chambers (0.06 ± 0.14 ng/m2/d). In contrast, dissolved total mercury efflux assessed at low dissolved oxygen (\~2.5 mg/L) was higher at low chironomid density (4.6 ± 0.7 ng/m2/d) relative to high chironomid density (2.5 ± 0.8 ng/m2/d, n = 4). Results indicate that oxygen addition, a common lake management practice, may enhance methylmercury efflux from profundal sediment as macrofauna recolonize previously anaerobic sediments. However, benthosmediated methylmercury efflux rates are lower than hypolimnetic methylmercury accumulation rates under anaerobic conditions; therefore, relative to anaerobic conditions, oxygenation should lower net methylmercury accumulation rates in relatively pristine lakes.


Taylor A, Flatt A, Beutel M, Wolff M, Brownson K, Stamets P. Removal of Escherichia coli from synthetic stormwater using mycofiltration. Ecological Engineering. 2015;78:79–86.
Pathogens from nonpoint sources are the leading cause of water quality impairments in US surface waters. This study assessed the capacity of basidiomycetous fungal mycelium on cellulosic substrates to remove Escherichia coli from synthetic stormwater under unsaturated vertical-flow conditions. The mycelium of Stropharia rugoso-annulata was tested in mycofiltration columns consisting of 18.6 L containers with mycelium grown on either wood chips or a mixture of wood chips and straw. S. rugoso-annulata mycofiltration columns were loaded with water spiked with 600–900 cfu/100 mL of E. coli at low (0.5 L/min; 0.57 m/d) and high (2.2 L/min; 2.5 m/d) hydraulic loading. Influent and effluent were monitored for thermotolerant coliform and E. coli using the Coliscan membrane filter chromogenic method. Alder wood chips infused with S. rugoso-annulata mycelium yielded a removal rate of around 20% relative to control filters. Wood chip and straw media appeared less effective with substantial net export of bacteria from both mycelium-infused and un-inoculated control media. The un-inoculated control media used in this study commonly exported high concentrations of thermotolerant coliform bacteria. On wood chip-based media, the presence of actively growing mycelium reduced the thermotolerant coliform exports by >90% relative to the control media. The study highlights the limitations of using thermotolerant coliform to assess pathogen removal in cellulose rich ecotechnologies like mycofiltration.
, Chiarantini L, Lattanzi P, Benvenuti M, Beutel M, . Metallogeny, exploitation and environmental impact of the Mt. Amiata mercury ore district (Southern Tuscany, Italy). Italian Journal of Geosciences. 2015;134(2):323–336.
The Mt. Amiata mining district (Southern Tuscany, Italy) is a world class Hg district, with a cumulate production of more than 100,000 tonnes of Hg, mostly occurring between 1870 and 1980. The Hg mineralization at Mt. Amiata is younger than 0.3 Ma, and is directly related to shallow hydrothermal systems similar to presentday geothermal fields of the region. There is likely a continuum of Hg deposition to present day, because Hg emission from geothermal power plants is on-going. In this sense, the Mt. Amiata deposits present some analogies with “hot-spring type” deposits of western USA, although an ore deposit model for the district has not been established. Specifically, the source of Hg remains highly speculative. The mineralizing hydrothermal fluids are of low temperature, and of essentially meteoric origin. Recent results by our research group indicate that, 30 years after mine closure, the environmental effects of Hg contamination related to mining are still recorded by the ecosystem, namely on waterways of the Paglia and Tiber River basins. In particular, the close spatial connection between the town of Abbadia San Salvatore, the Hg mine within its immediate neighborhood, and the drainage catchment of the Paglia River has an influence also on Hg speciation, transported mainly in the particulate form by the river system. The extent of Hg contamination has been identified at least 100 km from Abbadia San Salvatore along the Paglia-Tiber River system. Estimated annual Hg mass loads transported by the Paglia River to the Tiber River were about 11 kg yr-1. However, there is evidence that flood events may enhance Hg mobilization in the Paglia River basin, increasing Hg concentrations in stream sediment. The high methyl-Hg/Hg ratio in water in this area is an additional factor of great concern due to the potential harmful effects on human and wildlife health. Results of our studies indicate that the Mt. Amiata region is at present a source of Hg of remarkable environmental concern at the local, regional (Tiber River), and Mediterranean scales. Ongoing studies are aimed to a more detailed quantification of the Hg mass load input to the Mediterranean Sea, and to unravel the processes concerning Hg transport and fluid dynamics.


Beutel M, Dent S, Reed B, Marshall P, Gebremariam S, Moore B, Cross B. Effects of hypolimnetic oxygen addition on mercury bioaccumulation in Twin Lakes, Washington, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 2014;496:688–700.
Twin Lakes, located on the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation in eastern Washington, USA, include North Twin Lake (NT) and South Twin Lake (ST). The mesotrophic, dimictic lakes are important recreational fishing sites for both warm-water bass and cold-water trout. To improve summertime cold-water habitat for trout in NT, dissolved oxygen (DO) addition to the hypolimnion, using liquid oxygen as an oxygen gas source, started in 2009. This study assessed mercury (Hg) in the water column, zooplankton and fish, and related water quality parameters, in Twin Lakes from 2009 to 2012. Because methylmercury (MeHg) buildup in lake bottom water is commonly associated with hypolimnetic anoxia, hypolimnetic oxygenation was hypothesized to reduce Hg in bottom waters and biota in NT relative to ST. Oxygen addition led to significantly higher DO (mean hypolimnetic DO: 2–8 mg/L versus b1 mg/L) and lower MeHg (peak mean hypolimnetic MeHg: 0.05–0.2 ng/L versus 0.15–0.4 ng/L) in North Twin. In North Twin, years with higher DO (2009 and 2011) exhibited lower MeHg in bottom waters and lower total Hg in zooplankton, inferring a positive linkage between oxygen addition and lower bioaccumulation. However, when comparing between the two lakes, Hg levels were significantly higher in zooplankton (total Hg range: 100–200 versus 50–100 μg/kg dry weight) and trout (spring 2010 stocking cohort of eastern brook trout mean total Hg: 74.9 versus 49.9 μg/kg wet weight) in NT relative to ST. Lower Hg bioaccumulation in ST compared to NT may be related to bloom dilution in chlorophyll-rich bottom waters, a vertical disconnect between the location of zooplankton and MeHg in the water column, and high binding affinity between sulfide and MeHg in bottom waters.
This study evaluated the impact of oxygenation on the accumulation of methylmercury (MeHg), total mercury (Hg), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) in the anoxic hypolimnion of North Twin Lake, Washington (mean depth = 9.7 m). Within 8 hours of the start of the oxygenation test, mean hypolimnetic total Fe dropped from 833 to 243 μg/L (58% dissolved), and Mn decreased from 119 to 32 μg/L (100% dissolved). After 17 days of oxygenation, mean hypolimnetic total Hg decreased from 0.77 to 0.58 ng/L, and MeHg decreased from 0.20 to 0.10 ng/L. A month after the end of the oxygenation test, MeHg, total Hg, Fe, and Mn concentrations rebounded to pre-oxygenation levels. Metal dynamics were explained by the differing redox characteristics of Fe (fast oxidation kinetics; reduction at lower redox potential) and Mn (slow oxidation kinetics; reduction at higher redox potential) in natural waters, and the tendency for Fe oxides to co-precipitate with reduced Mn, ionic Hg, and MeHg. From a lake management perspective, the study highlights the role that oxidized metals in surfacial sediments play in retaining Hg in profundal sediments and suggests that sorption characteristics of metal oxides could be exploited to manage Hg bioaccumulation in aquatic biota. The study also suggests that for oxygenation to effectively repress the accumulation of redox-sensitive compounds in the hypolimnion, oxygenation systems should (1) start before anoxic conditions are established; (2) operate continuously through the entire stratified season; and (3) maintain oxygen levels at the sediment–water interface to ensure oxygen penetration into surfacial sediments.
Beutel M, Morgan M, Erlenmeyer J, Brouillard E. Phosphorus removal in a surface-flow constructed wetland treating agricultural runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2014;43(3):1071–1080.
Agricultural runoff is a leading source of phosphorus (P) pollution to lakes and streams. The objective of this study was to evaluate P removal dynamics in a constructed treatment wetland (CTW) treating agricultural irrigation return flows. The CTW included a sedimentation basin (SB) followed by two surface-flow wetlands in parallel. Typical retention times and total P (TP) loading were 1.4 d and 50 to 110 g m-2 yr-1 P, respectively, for the SB and 5 to 6 d and 4 to 10 g m-2 yr-1 P, respectively, for wetlands. On the basis of this multiyear study, concentration removal efficiency in the SB averaged 21% for TP and 32% for reactive phosphorus (RP). Concentration removal efficiency in wetlands averaged 37 and 43% for TP and 22 and 33% for RP. Areal first-order removal rates for TP averaged 22 and 31 m yr-1 in wetlands. Total P removal in wetlands exhibited a strong seasonal pattern, with minimum removal in the summer when high temperatures likely enhanced P release from decaying plant biomass. The performance of the CTW was stochastic, with removal unpredictably poorer in some years in part as a result of muskrat bioturbation and plant harvesting. In years before muskrat impacts, concentration removal efficiencies in wetlands were 50% for TP and 65% for RP.


Beutel M, , Brouillard E. Fecal coliform removal in a lightly loaded surface-flow constructed treatment wetland polishing agricultural runoff. Water Science and Technology. 2013;68(4):909–915.
Constructed treatment wetlands can be an effective and sustainable method to remove pathogens that pose health risks from agricultural runoff. This study evaluated the removal of fecal coliform (FC) from agricultural runoff in a lightly loaded surface-flow treatment wetland prior to discharge to the Yakima River, Washington State, USA. The 1.6 ha system consisted of a sedimentation basin (1.4 d hydraulic retention time) followed by two wetlands (5–6 d hydraulic retention time). FC in inflow ranged from 100 to 1,000 cfu/100 mL. Mean annual FC log-removal in the sedimentation basin was 0.66 ± 0.17 (mean plus/minus standard deviation; n 7). However, there was a comparable production of FC within the two wetlands where annual log-removal averaged 0.71 ± 0.39 in the north wetland and 0.57 ± 0.17 in the south wetland. FC removal in the sedimentation basin weakly correlated with turbidity removal (R2 0.13, p < 0.01, n 61), suggesting that settling was an important FC loss mechanism. FC removal in the wetlands negatively correlated with temperature (R2 0.27–0.33, p < 0.01, n 26) indicating that survival and/or reproduction was an important FC production mechanism. Muskrat colonization in the wetlands in 2007 and 2008 corresponded with a marked increase in FC in wetland outflow. Results suggest that, regardless of the presence of muskrats, sedimentation basins alone are more effective than a combined sedimentation basin–wetland system in removing FC from dilute agricultural runoff.