I am a Lecturer in the Economics and Business Management Department where I teach Statistical Inference and Health Economics. I have an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Pittsburgh and a Doctorate degree from West Virginia University. Prior to my employment at UC Merced, I was a lectuer at Montana State University. In addition to teaching at various locations in the United States, I have taught economics in Korea, Turkey, and China and ESL in Russia.

My research is mostly in the fields of regional and labor economics. I have published papers on prejudice and discrimination based on sexual orientation, neighborhood gentrification, and land use regulations. My latest work explores the interaction between the level of natural amenities and regulation and the subsequent economic growth of neighborhoods.

Fall 2020 Classes

ECON 010: Statistical inference

ECON 145: Health Economics


“The influence of land use regulation on the probability low-income neighborhoods will gentrify” (with S. Leguizamon). Urban Studies (forthcoming).

“Taste-based discrimination, tolerance and the wage gap: where does economic freedom help gay men?” (with S. Leguizamon). Kyklos 72(3) 2019: 426-445.

“Neighbourhood inequality spillover effects of gentrification” (with S. Leguizamon). Papers in Regional Science 98(3) 2019: 1469-1484.

“Is ‘Gaytrification’ a real phenomenon?” (with S. Leguizamon). Urban Affairs Review 54(5) 2018: 994-1016.

“Willingness to pay for hospital access in areas with high concentrations of blacks” (with S. Leguizamon). Review of Regional Studies 45(1) 2015: 87-104.

“Spatial spillovers of land use regulation in the United States” (with S. Leguizamon). Housing Studies, 30(3) 2015: 491-503.

“Revisiting evidence of labor market discrimination against homosexuals and the effects of anti- discriminatory laws” (with J.S. Leguizamon). Review of Regional Studies, 43(2-3) 2013: 213- 238.

“Are black neighborhoods less welcoming to homosexuals than white neighborhoods” (with S. Leguizamon and J.S. Leguizamon). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43(4) 2013: 579- 589.

“The influence of gay and lesbian households on house prices in conservative and liberal neighborhoods” (with S. Leguizamon). Journal of Urban Economics, 71(2) 2012: 258-267.