Embracing inclusivity through website accessibility checkers


In a world where most people rely on the web for nearly everything, educational institutions must provide equitable access to digital information and resources. Students, teachers, and outside visitors of all abilities should be able to use any university’s digital platforms equally. 

Over one billion people worldwide have disabilities, yet most websites still aren’t accessible to them. However, a commitment to greater online inclusivity goes beyond the apparent ethical obligations. It also helps mitigate legal exposure for non-compliance and broadens any website's user base. A website accessibility checker is an essential tool and often the first step toward achieving these goals.  

We start with a basic definition of this robust and critical solution. 

How do they work? 

Website accessibility checkers evaluate the accessibility of digital content. They typically scan websites for ADA compliance and related WCAG violations. These automated web page scans identify accessibility pain points like missing alt text for images, insufficient color contrast, and inaccessible navigation. Web developers can then apply the scan results to fix violations that improve the user experience (UX) and help prevent legal action for non-compliance. 

Digital platforms are vital for communication, learning, and collaboration, so digital accessibility is crucial. Conducting regular accessibility checks using these tools identifies areas for improvement that make the UX better for everyone. 

What are the legal implications?

Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is another crucial aspect where website accessibility checkers play a vital role. Public institutions like UC Merced are subject to accessibility mandates outlined in laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Leveraging website accessibility checkers to identify and remediate accessibility issues demonstrates its commitment to compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of legal repercussions. 

No organization should take these issues lightly. The Department of Justice (DOJ) isn’t shy about enforcing these laws and standards, often ruling in favor of plaintiffs in accessibility-related lawsuits. Fortunately, the right mix of assistive technology, awareness, and buy-in from critical decision-makers can help prevent costly legal battles. 

Strength in numbers

Implementing accessibility checkers requires a collaborative approach across departments and disciplines. From web developers and designers to content creators and administrators, everyone plays a crucial role in ensuring that digital content meets the most critical accessibility standards. Training programs, workshops, and resources can further empower stakeholders to incorporate accessibility best practices into their workflows, fostering a culture of accessibility throughout UC Merced. Collaboration with local advocacy groups can also be a terrific way to bolster and streamline accessibility initiatives. 

Accessibility reflects our core values

Website accessibility checkers align with UC Merced's core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We cherish an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. Embracing accessibility as a foundational principle enriches the educational experience and strengthens our reputation as an inclusive institution dedicated to serving the needs of its diverse community.

Inclusivity is an ongoing endeavor

Website accessibility checkers provide actionable insights into accessibility issues, empowering web developers and designers to improve online platforms for users of every ability and background. Armed with the results of accessibility scans, UC Merced can prioritize efforts to address identified barriers and enhance the overall accessibility of its digital content. 

But creating a more inclusive online experience is a “forever” proposition. Technology evolves rapidly in the modern digital age, requiring an ongoing commitment to keep up with the latest advancements. This continual dedication to the cause starts with raising awareness concerning the disability community and its challenges. 

How can we work to ensure their online experience is fair and equitable? Beyond the technical solutions, what’s required to stay on the right track? By promoting transparency, driving continuous improvement, ensuring compliance, and upholding principles of inclusivity, website accessibility checkers empower UC Merced to create a digital environment where all individuals, regardless of ability, can thrive.