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2744 results found

Applied Fluid Mechanics

Mechanical Engineering Technology at Purdue University from 2012-2013. The class size was 40-60 undergraduate students (Junior and Senior Year)

ENGR130 - Thermodynamics (Online Delivery)

Online Thermodynamics class in the School of Engineering at the University of California, Merced. Spring 2016 semester with a class size of 50-60 undergraduate students (Junior and Senior year)

Invited Talks

2015 “Introduction of Fuel Cell Technology,” Seminar, Rotary Club, November 20, 2015, Merced, CA (Invited by Mr. Galen Chastain) “In-Depth Discussion of Fuel Cell Technology for Automotive Application,” Graduate Seminar, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and...

Anne Myers Kelley research

Physical, Analytical, and Materials Chemistry Laser Raman Spectroscopies Our group's research focuses on using the inelastic laser light scattering technique known as resonance Raman spectroscopy to study the specific atomic-level motions that occur in a molecule or nanocrystal immediately after it...