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1723 results found

Restoration of DNA integrity and the cell cycle by electric stimulation in planarian tissues damaged by ionizing radiation

Davidian, Devon, Melanie LeGro, Paul G Barghouth, Salvador Rojas, Benjamin Ziman, Eli Isael Maciel, David H Ardell, Ariel L Escobar, and Néstor J Oviedo. 2022. “Restoration of DNA integrity and the cell cycle by electric stimulation in planarian tissues damaged by ionizing radiation”. Journal of Cell Science. 2022 May 1;135(9):jcs259304. Doi: 10.1242/Jcs.259304.

Collaborative Teaching plus (CT+): A Timely, Flexible, and Dynamic Course Design Implemented during Emergency Remote Teaching in an Introductory Biology Course

Dulai, Kamal S, Petra Kranzfelder, Adriana Signorini, Téa Pusey, Andrea Presas Valencia, Christian Urbina, and Néstor J Oviedo. 2022. “Collaborative Teaching plus (CT+): A Timely, Flexible, and Dynamic Course Design Implemented during Emergency Remote Teaching in an Introductory Biology Course”. CBE Life Sciences Education. 2022 Dec;21(4):ar61. Doi: 10.1187/Cbe.21-08-0199.