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252 results found

Merg Lab visits Dos Palos High School and presents on nanotechnology!

The Merg lab visited Dos Palos High School and gives a presentation on nanotechnology in front of high school students. Great job Emil, Anthony, and Douglas for leading this event and providing high schoolers the opportunity to learn about graduate school, research life, and some exciting new...

2023-2024 Senate Research Award

Ramen was awarded the 2023-24 UC Merced senate award to study a novel inhibitor of the neuronal activity-induced gene transcription. The proposal is titled, 'A study of BAF complex functions in neurons using novel inhibitor '704'.

Latest Preprint from the lab

We have released our latest preprint, titled: Activity-assembled nBAF complex mediates rapid immediate early gene transcription by regulating RNA Polymerase II productive elongation. This study was led by Karen Cornejo as a part of her thesis project. Andie Venegas and Morgan Sono were amazing...