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SRCD 2017

Family Development Lab visiting undergraduate student from CSU San Bernardino Silvana Johnston presented her research on family relationships in Hispanic emerging adults at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting in April in Austin, TX.

Angela Quiroz-Cruz awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Award

Family Development Lab member Angela Quiroz-Cruz was selected as the School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts Outstanding Student in Psychology award. Here she is presenting a poster based on some of her research. Congratulations, Angela!


Family Development Lab at UC Merced

Secrecy and type 1 diabetes management in late adolescence.

Main, A, D.J Wiebe, D. J. Wiebe, S. L Turner, C Tucker, J. E Butner, and C. A Berg. 2015. “Secrecy and Type 1 Diabetes Management in Late Adolescence”. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 40 (10): 1075-84.