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2619 results found

Soc 010: Statistics for Sociology

Statistics is a research method, a system of logic, a tool for comparing things, a language. It is increasingly used in media, technology, education, social work, government policy, politics, and business. People also misuse statistics in all of these fields. In this course, students learn to...

Hello, I'm Dr. Irene Yen

I'm the Principal Investigator and Director of the Lab. I'm a social epidemiologist, a public health professor at the University of California Merced and a Robert Wood Johnson Interdisciplinary Research Leadership fellow. My research is currently centered on the question of how place influences...

Welcome to our research lab

We Investigate Social Factors Influencing Health and Well-Being The Housing, Opportunity and Place (HOPe) Lab is a research group at the University of California, Merced investigating key social factors affecting health and health inequities in California's Central Valley, the heart of California.

Mary (Mindy) Fernandez

Undergraduate researcher, and UC LEADS scholar. Mindy is interested in immunology and parasites, and is currently a Ph.D. student at UC Davis!

Rachel Szymanski

With ambitions to enter industry, Rachel probed the humoral response to GPI anchored proteins on the parasite.

PLOS Pathogen Paper gaining traction

Our PLOS Pathogens paper by Souza et al. gained a lot of traction! The UC Merced News Room published an article written by former undergraduate researcher Anh Diep. Also, a Splotlight article published in Trends in Parasitology was written by Imtiaz Khan and colleague highlighting this important...