MS Graduate 2011
Suzanne Cox earned a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Washington State University where she was a member of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors Society and Division I NCAA women’s rowing team. She stayed at Washington State and earned a M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Washington State University under Dr. Beutel. Suzanne’s graduate research focused on measuring the effect of bioturbation on mercury efflux from lake sediments. Her work, which was published in Lake and Reservoir Management, showed that dissolved methylmercury efflux rates were highest under high chironomid density/low oxygen conditions and lowest in low density/medium oxygen conditions. Suzanne has worked as an environmental consultant a several firms. She recently earned a Certificate in Theology, Ministry and Mission from St. Mellitus College, University of Durham and now works as a civil engineer for a non-profit charity in the United Kingdom.
Beutel MW, Cox SE, Gebremariam S. Effects of chironomid density and dissolved oxygen on mercury efflux from profundal lake sediment. Lake and Reservoir Management. 2016;32 (2) :158-167.