

DE G, AB B, R H, M M, YH F, KE M. 9)Specialized mouse embryonic stem cells for studying vascular development. Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications. 2014;7.
Vascular progenitor cells are desirable in a variety of therapeutic strategies; however, the lineage commitment of endothelial and smooth muscle cell from a common progenitor is not well-understood. Here, we report the generation of the first dual reporter mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) lines designed to facilitate the study of vascular endothelial and smooth muscle development in vitro. These mESC lines express green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the endothelial promoter, Tie-2, and Discomsoma sp. red fluorescent protein (RFP) under the promoter for alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). The lines were then characterized for morphology, marker expression, and pluripotency. The mESC colonies were found to exhibit dome-shaped morphology, alkaline phosphotase activity, as well as expression of Oct 3/4 and stage-specific embryonic antigen-1. The mESC colonies were also found to display normal karyotypes and are able to generate cells from all three germ layers, verifying pluripotency. Tissue staining confirmed the coexpression of VE (vascular endothelial)-cadherin with the Tie-2 GFP+ expression on endothelial structures and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain with the α-SMA RFP+ smooth muscle cells. Lastly, it was verified that the developing mESC do express Tie-2 GFP+ and α-SMA RFP+ cells during differentiation and that the GFP+ cells colocalize with the vascular-like structures surrounded by α-SMA-RFP cells. These dual reporter vascular-specific mESC permit visualization and cell tracking of individual endothelial and smooth muscle cells over time and in multiple dimensions, a powerful new tool for studying vascular development in real time. Keywords: vascular progenitor cells, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, embryoid body, vasculogenesis
DE G, AB B, R H, M M, YH F, KE M. 8)Specialized mouse embryonic stem cells for studying vascular development. Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications. 2014;2014:7.
Vascular progenitor cells are desirable in a variety of therapeutic strategies; however, the lineage commitment of endothelial and smooth muscle cell from a common progenitor is not well-understood. Here, we report the generation of the first dual reporter mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) lines designed to facilitate the study of vascular endothelial and smooth muscle development in vitro. These mESC lines express green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the endothelial promoter, Tie-2, and Discomsoma sp. red fluorescent protein (RFP) under the promoter for alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). The lines were then characterized for morphology, marker expression, and pluripotency. The mESC colonies were found to exhibit dome-shaped morphology, alkaline phosphotase activity, as well as expression of Oct 3/4 and stage-specific embryonic antigen-1. The mESC colonies were also found to display normal karyotypes and are able to generate cells from all three germ layers, verifying pluripotency. Tissue staining confirmed the coexpression of VE (vascular endothelial)-cadherin with the Tie-2 GFP+ expression on endothelial structures and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain with the α-SMA RFP+ smooth muscle cells. Lastly, it was verified that the developing mESC do express Tie-2 GFP+ and α-SMA RFP+ cells during differentiation and that the GFP+ cells colocalize with the vascular-like structures surrounded by α-SMA-RFP cells. These dual reporter vascular-specific mESC permit visualization and cell tracking of individual endothelial and smooth muscle cells over time and in multiple dimensions, a powerful new tool for studying vascular development in real time.


AA B, L W, DE G, KE M. 12) Specialized Tip/Stalk- and Phalanx-like Endothelial Cells from Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells and Development. 2013.
Endothelial cells (EC) generated in vitro from stem cells are desirable for their potential in a variety of in vitro models and cell-based therapeutic approaches; however, EC can take on a number of functionally and phenotypically distinct specializations. Here, we show the generation of functionally distinct EC subpopulations, including (1) the pro-angiogenic migrating tip-like and proliferative stalk-like EC, and (2) the less migratory cobblestone-shaped phalanx-like EC. Both embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived EC subpopulations are generated from outgrowths of Flk-1+ vascular progenitor cells with high levels of vascular endothelial growth factor treatment, while the phalanx-like ESC-derived EC (ESC-EC) are subsequently isolated by selecting for cobblestone shape. Compared with the ESC-derived angiogenic endothelial cells (named ESC-AEC) that contain only 14% Flt-1+ and 25% Tie-1+ cells, the selected phalanx-like ESC-EC express higher numbers of cells expressing the phalanx markers Flt-1+ and Tie-1+, 89% and 90%, respectively. The ESC-AEC also contain 35% CXCR4+ tip cells, higher expression levels of stalk marker Notch-1, and lower expression levels of Tie-2 compared with the phalanx-type ESC-EC that do not contain discernible numbers of CXCR4+ tip cells. Perhaps most notably, the ESC-AEC display increased cell migration, proliferation, and 3 times more vessel-like structures after 48 h on Matrigel compared with the phalanx-like ESC-EC. This work analyzes, for the first time, the presence of distinct EC subtypes (tip/stalk, and phalanx) generated in vitro from ESC, and shows that phalanx-like EC can be purified and maintained in culture separate from the tip/stalk-like containing EC. PMID:23249281  PMCID:PMC3629848  DOI:10.1089/scd.2012.0376
The generation of micro- and nano-topography similar to those found in the extra cellular matrix of three-dimensional tissues is one technique used to recapitulate the cell-tissue physiology found in the native tissues. Despite the fact that ample studies have been conducted on the physiological significance of endothelial cells alignment parallel to shear stress, as this is the normal physiologic arrangement for healthy arterial EC, very few studies have examined the use of topographical signals to initiate endothelial cell alignment. Here, we have examined the ability for our mouse embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells (ESC-EC) to align on various microchip topographical systems. Briefly, we generated metal molds with ‘wrinkled’ topography using 1) 15 nm and 2) 30 nm of gold coating on the pre-strained polystryene (PS) sheets. After thermal-induced shrinkage of the PS sheets, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchips were then generated from the wrinkled molds. Using similar Shrink™-based technology, 3) larger selectively crazed acetone-etched lines in the PS sheets, and 4) fully crazed acetone-treated PS sheets of stochastic topographical morphology were also generated. The 15 nm and 30 nm gold coating generated ‘wrinkles’ of uniaxial anisotropic channels at nano-scaled widths while the crazing generated micron-sized channels. The ESC-EC were able to respond and align on the 320 nm, 510 nm, and the acetone-etched 10.5 μm channels, but not on the fully ‘crazed’ topographies. Moreover, the ESC-EC aligned most robustly on the wrinkles, and preferentially to ridge edges on the 10.5 μm-sized channels. The ability to robustly align EC on topographical surfaces enables a variety of controlled physiological studies of EC-EC and EC-ECM contact guidance, as well as having potential applications for the rapid endothelialization of stents and vascular grafts.


S S, D N, , , M K, KE M. 17) Round-Bottomed Honeycomb Microwells: Embryoid Body Shape Correlates with Stem Cell Fate. Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering. 2012.
The differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESC) into tissue-specific cells utilizes either monolayer cultures or three-dimensional cell aggregates called embryoid bodies (EB). However, the generation of a large number of EB of controlled sizes can be challenging and labor intensive. Our laboratories have developed a simple, robust, ultra-rapid, and inexpensive design of Honeycomb Microwells for generation of EB. Here, we compare EB generated using (1) Honeycomb Microwells, (2) the commercially available AggreWell™400, and (3) the more traditional Hanging Drop method. We compared the efficiency, viability, quality, and control of EB sizes. Results indicate that the Honeycomb Microwell and AggreWell™400 efficiently generate small EB at approximately 500 cells per EB. However, the cone-bottomed AggreWell plate generates cone-shaped EB at 1000-2000 cells per EB. Moreover, the cone-shape correlates with a reduction in the formation of the primitive endoderm GATA4+ cells (1% compared with 6-8% in spherical EB), but does not significantly affect mesoderm or ectoderm development. We conclude that the non-spherical EB shape correlates with a reduction in the development of primitive endoderm, and that use of these AggreWell plates should be avoided in deriving endoderm tissue products.
The generation of cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) boasts a variety of potential applications including cell transplantation for myocardial repair. Unfortunately, advancements in the field has been challenged by the low efficiency of cardiomyocyte differentiation from hESC. Recently, Kattman et al. 2011 showed that individual hESC lines require a precise balance of the Activin A and BMP4 signaling for efficient cardiac differentiation. This group also presented differentiation protocols for several human and mouse ESC lines, however; two of the most utilized hESC lines, the H9 and H7 ESC, were not included. Here, we provide protocols, based on the work from Kattman et al. 2011, for generating cardiomyoctyes from H7 and H9 hESC. These hESC line-specific protocols reproducibly direct approximately 50% of hESC towards the cardiac lineage. PMID:22890895  DOI:10.1007/s12015-012-9403-6
W T, X W, S J, C M, J M, SF B, MG M, KE M. 15) Cardiac Tissue Development for Delivery of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial and Cardiac Cells in Natural Matrices. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. 2012.
The packaging and delivery of cells for cardiac regeneration has been explored using a variety biomaterials and delivery methods, but these studies often ignore one or more important design factors critical for rebuilding cardiac tissue. These include the biomaterial architecture, strength and stiffness, cell alignment, and/or incorporation of multiple cell types. In this article, we explore the combinatorial use of decellularized tissues, moldable hydrogels, patterned cell-seeding, and cell-sheet engineering and find that a combination of these methods is optimal in the recreation of transplantable cardiac-like tissue in vivo. We show that decellularized urinary bladder matrix (UBM), that is compliant and suturable, supports the survival of cell cultures but does not allow maintenance of cell-to-cell contacts of transferred cell-sheets (presumably, due to its rough surface). Moreover, the UBM material must be filled with hyaluronan (HA) hydrogels for smoothing rough surfaces and allowing the delivery of greater cell numbers. We additionally incorporated our previously developed “wrinkled” microchip for inducing alignment of cardiac cells with a laser-etched mask for co-seeding patterned “channels” of cells. This article also introduces a novel method of plasma coating for cell-sheet engineering that compares well with electron bean irradiation methods and may be combined with our “wrinkled” surfaces to facilitate the alignment of cardiac cells into sheets. Our data shows that an optimal design for generating cardiac tissue would include (1) decellularized matrix seeded with endothelial cells in a HA layered with (2) prealigned cardiac cell-sheets fabricated using our “wrinkled” microchips and thermo-responsive polymer [poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)] cell sheet transfer system. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2012.
Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were used to establish human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) cultures after blastocyst isolation(1). This feeder system maintains hESCs from undergoing spontaneous differentiation during cell expansion. However, this co-culture method is labor intensive, requires highly trained personnel, and yields low hESC purity(4). Many laboratories have attempted to minimize the number of feeder cells in hESC cultures (i.e. incorporating matrix-coated dishes or other feeder cell types(5-8)). These modified culture systems have shown some promise, but have not supplanted the standard method for culturing hESCs with mitomycin C-treated mouse embyronic fibroblasts in order to retard unwanted spontaneous differentiation of the hESC cultures. Therefore, the feeder cells used in hESC expansion should be removed during differentiation experiments. Although several techniques are available for purifying the hESC colonies (FACS, MACS, or use of drug resistant vectors) from feeders, these techniques are labor intensive, costly and/or destructive to the hESC. The aim of this project was to invent a method of purification that enables the harvesting of a purer population of hESCs. We have observed that in a confluent hESC culture, the MEF population can be removed using a simple and rapid aspiration of the MEF sheet. This removal is dependent on several factors, including lateral cell-to-cell binding of MEFs that have a lower binding affinity to the styrene culture dish, and the ability of the stem cell colonies to push the fibroblasts outward during the generation of their own "niche". The hESC were then examined for SSEA-4, Oct3/4 and Tra 1-81 expression up to 10 days after MEF removal to ensure maintenance of pluripotency. Moreover, hESC colonies were able to continue growing from into larger formations after MEF removal, providing an additional level of hESC expansion. PMID:23128236  PMCID:PMC3490304   DOI: 10.3791/3951


PJ L, J C, M G-O, DK L, RA L, CC F, M K, KE M. 21) Multi-scale Biomimetic Topography for the Alignment of Neonatal and Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Heart Cells. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. 2011.
Nano- and microscale topographical cues play critical roles in the induction and maintenance of various cellular functions, including morphology, adhesion, gene regulation, and communication. Recent studies indicate that structure and function at the heart tissue level is exquisitely sensitive to mechanical cues at the nano-scale as well as at the microscale level. Although fabrication methods exist for generating topographical features for cell culture, current techniques, especially those with nanoscale resolution, are typically complex, prohibitively expensive, and not accessible to most biology laboratories. Here, we present a tunable culture platform comprised of biomimetic wrinkles that simulate the heart’s complex anisotropic and multiscale architecture for facile and robust cardiac cell alignment. We demonstrate the cellular and subcellular alignment of both neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes as well as those derived from human embryonic stem cells. By mimicking the fibrillar network of the extracellular matrix, this system enables monitoring of protein localization in real time and therefore the high-resolution study of phenotypic and physiologic responses to in-vivo like topographical cues. PMID:   21235325   DOI:   10.1089/ten.TEC.2010.0410