Hamilton LT, Armstrong EA. "Parents, Partners, and Professions: Reproduction and Mobility in a Cohort of College Women.". American Journal of Sociology. 2021;127:102–151.
Armstrong EA, Hamilton LT. "Classed Pathways to Marriage: Hometown Ties, College Networks, and Life after Graduation.". Journal of Marriage and Family. 2021;83:1004–1019.
Hamilton LT, Nielsen K, Lerma V. "Tolerable Suboptimization: Racial Consequences of Defunding Public Universities.". Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 2021;7:561–678.
Hamilton LT, Nielsen K. Broke: The Racial Consequences of Underfunding Public Universities.. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 2021.
Metzger A, Hamilton L. “The Stigma of ADHD: Teacher Ratings of Labeled Students.”. Sociological Perspectives. 2020;64:258–279.
Hamilton L, Armstrong EA, Seeley LJ, Armstrong EM. “Hegemonic Femininities and Intersectional Domination.”. Sociological Theory. 2019;37:315–341.
Lerma V, Hamilton L, Nielsen K. “Racialized Equity Labor, University Appropriation, and Student Resistance.”. Social Problems. 2019;https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spz011.
Hamilton L, Cheng S. “Going Greek: The Organization of Campus Life and Class-Based Graduation Gaps.”. Social Forces. 2018;96:977–1008.
Hamilton L, Roksa J, Nielsen K. “Providing a “Leg Up”: Parental Involvement and Opportunity Hoarding in College.”. Sociology of Education. 2018;91:111–131.
Hamilton L. Parenting to a Degree: How Family Matters for College Women’s Success. University of Chicago Press; 2016.