Campiani A, Stuardo RL, Lercari N. The Mausoleum Architectural Project: Reinterpreting Palenque’s Temple of The Inscriptions through 3D Data-driven Architectural Analysis. Ancient Mesoamerica. 2021:1–16.
Lercari N, Jaffke D. Implementing Participatory Site Stewardship through Citizen Science and Mobile Apps: The Case of Bodie, California. Advances in Archaeological Practice. 2020;8(4).
Lercari N, Busacca G. A Glimpse through Time and Space: Visualizing Spatial Continuity and History Making at \cCatalhöyük, Turkey. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies. 2020;8(2):99–122.
Campiani A, Stuardo RL, Lercari N. The Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque: Improving Architectural Analysis, Conservation Assessment, and Public Dissemination via Terrestrial LiDAR and 3-D Mapping. In: Society for American Archaeology (SAA) 84th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (Apr. 10-14). 2019.
Campiani A, Lingle A, Lercari N. Spatial analysis and heritage conservation: Leveraging 3-D data and GIS for monitoring earthen architecture. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2019;39:166–176.
Lercari N. Monitoring earthen archaeological heritage using multi-temporal terrestrial laser scanning and surface change detection. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2019;39:152–165.
Lercari N, Campiani A, Lingle AM. Catalhöyük Digital Preservation Project: Exploring Digital Methods in Archaeological Heritage Conservation. In: Archaeological Institute of America 120th Annual Meeting. 2019.
Due\~nas-Garcia MJ, Campos-Martinez MS, Lercari N. Cerro de En medio, a Hidden Epiclassic Site in the Northern Frontier of Mesoamerica. In: Society for American Archaeology (SAA) 84th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (Apr. 10-14). 2019.
Guillem A, Bruseker G, Lercari N. Learning through doing: an online game for appropriating ontological modelling methodology. In: 2018 Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) International Conference. 2018.
Aboulhosn J, Guillem A \is, Lercari N. Standalone PhotoScan VS PhotoScan Cluster Processing. In: 2018 Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) International Conference. 2018.