We have released our latest preprint, titled: Activity-assembled nBAF complex mediates rapid immediate early gene transcription by regulating RNA Polymerase II productive elongation. This study was...
Ramen was awarded the 2023-24 UC Merced senate award to study a novel inhibitor of the neuronal activity-induced gene transcription. The proposal is titled, 'A study of BAF complex functions in...
Ramen (PI) and our wonderful collaborator at Purdue university –Dr. Emily Dykhuizen (Co-PI)– received a R21 award from NIMH. The funded grant is titled, "BAF complex inhibitors in neuronal development...
Andie Venegas was accepted in the QSB Ph.D. program. Andie has chosen to pursue her Ph.D. with us and will start as a graduate student in Spring of 2022. We are excited to have Andie in the lab as a...