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Patrick's paper on cell networks in PNAS

Congratulations Patrick on his work on "Mechanical interactions direct multicellular network formation on elastic substrates" being accepted to PNAS!

HSRI Seed Grant

The Khatri Lab, in collaboration with Prof. Suzanne Sindi and Prof. Erica Rutter in Applied Math and Prof. Thelma Hurd, Director of Medical Education, at UC Merced just received a seed grant from the Health Sciences Research Institute at UC Merced.

In SIAM News

An article was written in SIAM News about Prof. Shilpa Khatri's presentation at the 2020 SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth on the Computational Simulations of Pulsating Soft Corals research!

Welcome Sarah!

We welcome Sarah Downs, a first-year graduate student in Applied Mathematics. We are excited to have her join the Khatri Lab!

Shayna wins campus Grad Slam!

Congratulations to Shayna who was awarded the title of Campus Champion and $5,000 during the Grad Slam 2021 Viewing Party. Good luck Shayna in the UC Grad Slam finals at 10 a.m. May 7!

Featured in ASBMB Today

Here's the link to Anna Tancredi's ASBMB Today article about our our recent work ( published in JBC) on flame retardants. This article is geared towards the general audience.

Karen Joins The Lab

Karen Cornejo, a QSB first-year student, joins the lab to pursue her Ph.D. after three weeks of rotation with us. Welcome, Karen! Let's BAFfle and dazzle!

Interview with Yale Climate Connection

I was interviewed by Samantha Harrington from Yale Climate Connection regarding climate impacts on pregnancy health. Please see the article here: