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188 results found

Graduate student Patrick Noerr is awarded a poster prize

Graduate student in the group, Patrick Noerr, won second place in a poster competition organized by the CCBM - a NSF-supported interdiscipinary research center on campus - during their annual EAB (External Advisory Board0 Meeting day. Patrick's poster was entitled "Investigating mechanically...

Abstract Selected For Oral Presentation

Woo-hoo! Our abstract, titled " The nBAF (mSWI/SNF) Complex Regulates Activity-induced Neuronal Gene Transcription by Facilitating RNA Polymerase II Elongation", was accepted for oral presentation at the Gene Regulation Keystone meeting. Congratulations to Karen (the lead) and the entire team...

2021-2022 Senate Research Award

Ramen was awarded the 2021-2022 UC Merced Senate Research Award to study BAF complex functions in neurons using novel inhibitors.

New paper: joint effects of enclave residence and pollution

Check out our newest paper on the joint effects of ethnic residence and air pollution on gestational diabetes among Asian/Pacific Islanders: Abstract Background: Asian/Pacific Islander (API) communities in the United States often reside in metropolitan areas...