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140 results found

Essey Afewerki

Essey is interested in pursuing a career in biological engineering or molecular biology. Essey enjoys all things science, loves manipulating DNA and generated engineered parasite strains!

Sahil Malhi

Sahil brought his enthusiasm to research the GPI anchor of Toxoplasma gondii, and in doing so became an expert in the topic. He is applying to medical school and wish him the very best in his future endeavors.

Julia Alvarez

Graduated from UC Merced. Julia is making fundamental discoveries on the GPI anchor of Toxoplasma gondii. Former President of RadioBio, and active baking blogger.

Naive CD8 T cell IFNγ responses to a vacuolar antigen are regulated by an inflammasome-independent NLRP3 pathway and Toxoplasma gondii ROP5.

Kongsomboonvech, Angel K., Felipe Rodriguez, Anh L. Diep, Brandon M. Justice, Brayan E. Castallanos, Ana Camejo, Debanjan Mukhopadhyay, et al. 2020. “Naive CD8 T Cell IFNγ Responses to a Vacuolar Antigen Are Regulated by an Inflammasome-Independent NLRP3 Pathway and Toxoplasma Gondii ROP5”. PLOS Pathogens 16(8): e1008327.

Mary (Mindy) Fernandez

Undergraduate researcher, and UC LEADS scholar. Mindy is interested in immunology and parasites, and is currently a Ph.D. student at UC Davis!

Rachel Szymanski

With ambitions to enter industry, Rachel probed the humoral response to GPI anchored proteins on the parasite.