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31 results found

New article by lead author Tammy Yung

Ph.D. candidate Tammy Yung published a lead-authored paper in Frontiers in Psychology on sleep and soical support among Latina adolescent mothers based on data from the Valley Teens as Parents Project.

SRA 2018

Family Development Lab members Carmen Kho, Tammy Yung, and Simerpreet Kaur presented their research at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in April in Minneapolis. Professor Main hosted the 5th Annual Moral Development Pre-Conference at the Society for Research on...

SRCD 2017

Family Development Lab graduate student Janice Disla presented her research on adolescent disclosure at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting in April in Austin, TX.

UC Merced Faculty Research Grant

The Family Development Lab in collaboration with the Health Communications and Interventions Lab (PI Linda Cameron) and the Wiebe Lab (PI Deborah Wiebe) at UC Merced were awarded a UC Merced Faculty Research Grant for the study, “Family Communication About Type 1 Diabetes.”

Abby Bolter published her first 1st-authored paper

PhD candidate Abigail Bolter, along with Drs. Alexandra Main and Deborah Wiebe, had a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine entitled, "Division of Type 1 Diabetes Responsibility in Latinx and Non-Latinx White Mother-Adolescent Dyads." Congratulations, Abby!

Article on teen parenting research

A recent article was published in the UC Merced Newsroom based on the Valley Teens as Parents study on sleep and Latina teen mothers' mental health. English-language version: Spanish-language version:

Tri-District Medical Academies Conference

The Family Development Lab presented on effective parent-teen communication at the 2017 Tri-District Medical Academies Conference at Cesar E. Chavez Middle School in Planada.