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32 results found

Recent fact sheet highlighting local air pollution concerns

Our recent fact sheet, published by the UC Merced Community and Labor Center, shows that South Fresno residents experience high rates of health issues and air and noise pollution, and express strong support for public interventions to mitigate environmental issues. Our team is conducting a health...

Congratulations Dr. Noerr

Patrick Noerr successfully defends his dissertation entitled "Mechanical interactions in biological active filaments and networks". Congratulations Dr. Noerr! Wish you all the best in your postdoc career at University of California San Diego, and beyond!

FIOCRUZ, Brazil!

It was a privilege to see FIOCRUZ and give a seminar there. In the background, is the historical first building commissioned by Oswald Cruz, co-discoverer with Carlos Chagas, of T. cruzi. FIOCRUZ is Brazil's NIH equivalent, but also performs clinics, vaccine and drug production and outreach. Really...

Subhaya's Durotaxis work accepted in Biophysical Journal

Subhaya's work is accepted in Biophysical Journal, congrats! This work describes competing roles of persistent cell motility and long-range elastic interactions at a stiffness interface with a combination of simulations, elasticity theory and scaling analyses. We are very happy to see that reviewer...

Preprint on the GPI sidechain of Toxoplasma is online!

Very excited to share our discovery and characterization of the GPI sidechain sytnthetic pathway in T. gondii. This is a first for any parasite. This is the thesis work by graduate student Julia Alvarez, in collaboration with Christopher West at University of Georgia. Parasites that lack a GPI...