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92 results found

Fanny O'Vincent

I am a second-year undergraduate student with a major in Psychology and a minor in Pre-Health. I am currently interested in learning about how psychology relates to economics and health. This is because after graduating UC Merced, I hope to become a dermatologist and own my own business or continue...

Elizabeth Mendoza

I am a third-year student here at UC Merced majoring in psychology. I am currently working at the SHARPP Lab as a research assistant with the intention to learn more about Social and Health Psychology as I want to learn how certain constructs may influence health outcomes. In the future I hope to...

Miles Smith

I am a fourth year undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in psychology. I would like to continue my studies of psychology after I graduate from UC Merced, specifically in behavioral psych. My passion for psychology lies primarily in examining behavior change and health behaviors. In relation to...

Theory-Based Behavior Change Interventions

Development of Theory-Based Behavior Change Interventions Development of Theory-Based Behavior Change Interventions. Alongside theory testing and development, I also focus on leveraging these theoretical insights to develop effective health behavior change interventions. I am currently involved in...

Synthesis and Development of Theories

Testing Theories Using Meta-Analysis Testing Theories Using Meta-Analysis . A key strand of my research is testing key hypotheses from social psychological theories, particularly theories that have been applied to health behaviors using meta-analysis. The aim is to examine the cumulative evidence...

Psychological Sciences

For more information about the Health Psychology program at UC Merced please visit our website: Dr. Hagger is currently not recruiting students for the PhD program in Health Psychology for the 2022-2023 academic year, but please...


Courses taught by Martin Hagger, Fall Semester 2019: PSY-190-2/3: Theories of Behavior Change Many of the problems observed in today’s society can be linked, directly or indirectly, to human behavior. Governments, organizations, and professionals increasingly recognize the value of developing...


Lab Director: Dr. Martin Hagger Lab Manager: Susette Moyers Graduate Students: Kaylyn McAnally Lauren McKinley Jessica Balla Thais Benoit Zoe Griffith Danielle Simpson Undergraduate Research Assistants: Michael Vang Kelsey Severson Carolina Hernandez Mercedes Pena Katie Roseman Priya Sandhu Delainey...

Kate Bryan

I am a 4th year undergraduate student studying Cognitive Science and Psychology. My goal is to attend graduate school and become a clinical neuropsychologist. Working as a research assistant, I assist with various tasks in the lab. My research interests include the relationship between chronic...