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M. Santiago, K. A. Mitchell, S. Khatri⋄, Numerical method for modeling photosynthesis of algae on pulsating soft corals, Physical Review Fluids, 7(3):033102, 2022, Editors’ Suggestion. M. Santiago, N. A. Battista, L. A. Miller, S. Khatri, Passive concentration dynamics incorporated into the library IB2d, a two-dimensional implementation of the immersed boundary method, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 17(3):036003, 2022 (pdf) (link) (Supplemental Data) T. L. Mandel, D. Z. Zhou, L. Waldrop, M. Theillard, D. Kleckner, S. Khatri, Retention of rising oil droplets in density stratification, Physical Review Fluids, 5(12):124803, 2020 (pdf) (Supplementary Material: Movie1, Movie2) (link) S. Khatri, A. D. Kim, R. Cortez, C. Carvalho, Close evaluation of layer potentials in three dimensions, 423:109798, 2020 (pdf) (link) E. Yoo, S. Khatri, F. Blanchette, Hydrodynamic forces on randomly formed marine aggregates, Physical Review Fluids, 5:044305, 2020 (pdf) (link) C. Carvalho, S. Khatri, A. D. Kim, Asymptotic approximation for the close evaluation of double-layer potentials, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42:A504-A533, 2020 (pdf) (link) J. E. Samson, L. A. Miller, D. Ray, R. Holzman, U. Shavit, S. Khatri, A novel mechanism of mixing by pulsing corals, Journal of Experimental Biology, 222:1-13, 2019 (pdf) (Supplementary Information: Movie1, Movie2) (link) L. D. Waldrop, Y. He, S. Khatri, What can computational modeling tell us about the diversity of odor-capture structures in the Pancrustacea?, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 44(12):1084-1100, 2018 (pdf) (link) C. Carvalho, S. Khatri, A. D. Kim, Asymptotic analysis for close evaluation of layer potentials, Journal of Computational Physics, 355:327-341, 2018 (pdf) (link) J. E. Samson, N. A. Battista, S. Khatri, and L. A. Miller, Pulsing corals: A story of scale and mixing, Biomath 6:1712169, 2017 (pdf) (Supplementary Material: Movie1, Movie2, Movie3) (link) M. Panah, F. Blanchette, and S. Khatri, Simulations of a porous particle settling in a density-stratified ambient fluid, Physical Review Fluids, 2:114303, 2017 (pdf) (Supplemental Material: Video1, Video2, Video 3) (link) C. Carvalho, S. Khatri, and A. D. Kim, Local analysis of near fields in acoustic scattering, 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Minneapolis, MN, 2017 (pdf) N. A. Battista, J. E. Samson, S. Khatri, and L. A. Miller, Under the sea: Pulsing corals in ambient flow, Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, International Conference BIOMATH 2017, Kruger Park, 2017 (pdf) (link) L. D. Waldrop, L. A. Miller, S. Khatri, A tale of two antennules: the performance of crab odour- capture organs in air and water, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 13(125):20160615, 2016 (pdf) (Supplementary Information: MovieS1, MovieS2, MovieS3, MovieS4) (link) S. Khatri and A.-K. Tornberg, An embedded boundary method for soluble surfactants with interface tracking for two phase flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 256:768-790, 2014 (pdf) (link) R. Camassa, S. Khatri, R. M. McLaughlin, J. C. Prairie, B. L. White, and S. Yu, Retention and entrainment effects: Experiments and theory for porous spheres settling in sharply stratified fluids, Physics of Fluids, 25:081701, 2013 (pdf) (link) J. C. Prairie, K. Ziervogel, C. Arnosti, R. Camassa, C. Falcon, S. Khatri, R. McLaughlin, B. L. White, and S. Yu, Delayed settling of marine snow at sharp density transitions driven by fluid entrainment and diffusion-limited retention, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 487:185-200, 2013 (pdf) (link) R. Camassa, S. Khatri, R. McLaughlin, K. Mertens, D. Nenon, C. Smith, and C. Viotti, Numerical simulations and experimental measurements of dense-core vortex rings in a sharply stratified environment, Computational Science & Discovery, 6:014001, 2013 (pdf) (link) S. Khatri and A.-K. Tornberg, A numerical method for two phase flows with insoluble surfactants, Computers & Fluids, 49:150-165, 2011 (pdf) (link) S. Khatri and A.-K. Tornberg, A numerical method for soluble surfactants on moving interfaces, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Special Issue: Sixth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics and GAMM Annual Meeting, 7(1):1024509-1024510, 2007 (pdf) (link)


MACA Downscaled Future Climate Projections from CMIP5 The Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) is a statistical method for downscaling Global Climate Models (GCMs) from their native coarse resolution to a higher spatial resolution. This has been used to produce two different downscaled...

About Me

Dr. Katherine Hegewisch is a project scientist in the Sierra Nevada Research Institute at the University of California Merced. She earned a Ph.D. in Physics from Washington State University in 2010 and also has degrees in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Since 2011, she has been working with...

Climate Engine

I am currently a web developer for Climate Engine. Climate Engine is a web tool for visualizing large climate and remote sensing datasets through summaries processed on-the-fly and shown on maps and graphs.