Enriquez_and_colleagues LE. Toward a Nuanced and Contextualized Understanding of Undocumented College Students: Lessons from a California Survey. Journal of Latinos and Education, 20:3, 215-231. 2021.
Daniels K, Valdez Z, Chae D, Allen AM. Direct and Vicarious Racial Discrimination at Three Life Stages and Preterm Labor: Results from the African American Women's Heart & Health Study. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2021.
Pirtle W, Valdez Z, Daniels K, Duenas M, Castro D. Conceptualizing Ethnicity: How Dimensions of Ethnicity Affect Disparities in Health Outcomes Among Latinxs in the United States.. Ethnicity and Disease. 2020;30(3):1–12.
Valdez Z, Golash-Boza T. Master status or intersectional identity? Undocumented students’ sense of belonging on a college campus.. Identities. 2020;27(4):481–499.
Valdez Z, Golash-Boza T. Master status or intersectional identity? Undocumented students’ sense of belonging on a college campus.. Identities. 2020;27(4):481–499.
Pirtle W, Valdez Z, Daniels K, Duenas M, Castro D. Conceptualizing Ethnicity: How Dimensions of Ethnicity Affect Disparities in Health Outcomes Among Latinxs in the United States.. Ethnicity and Disease. 2020;30(3):1–12.
Valdez Z, Plankey-Videla N, Murga A, .al. et. Precarious Entrepreneurship: Day Laborers in the U.S. Southwest. American Behavioral Scientist. 2019;63(2):225–243.
Valdez Z. The great recession and precarious wealth among middle-class Mexican-Origin entrepreneurs. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2019;46(18):3874–3891.
Valdez Z. The great recession and precarious wealth among middle-class Mexican-Origin entrepreneurs. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2019;46(18):3874–3891.
Valdez Z, Plankey-Videla N, Murga A, .al. et. Precarious Entrepreneurship: Day Laborers in the U.S. Southwest. American Behavioral Scientist. 2019;63(2):225–243.