Eaton C, Glater J, Hamilton L, Jimenez D. Creditor Colleges: Canceling Debts that Surged during COVID-19 for Low-Income Students. Available at SSRN 4072193. 2022.
Eaton C. Analysis of President Biden’s Announced Executive Order to Cancel Student Debt. Student Borrower Protection Center Research Paper. 2022.
Hamilton LT, Daniels H, Smith CM, Eaton C. The Private Side of Public Universities: Third-party providers and platform capitalism. 2022.
Eaton C. Agile predators: private equity and the spread of shareholder value strategies to US for-profit colleges. Socio-Economic Review. 2022;20(2):791–815.
Eaton C. Bankers in the Ivory Tower: The Troubling Rise of Financiers in US Higher Education. University of Chicago Press; 2022.
Eaton C, Colond J, Gonzalez R, Rajabally W. DUBOIS: Stata module to provide Du Bois graphic scheme. 2021.
Eaton C, Goldstein A, Hamilton L, Wherry F. Student Debt Cancellation IS Progressive: Correcting Empirical and Conceptual Errors. Roosevelt Institute Issue Briefs. 2021;2021(June):1–23.
Goldstein A, Eaton C. Asymmetry by Design? Identity Obfuscation, Reputational Pressure, and Consumer Predation in US For-Profit Higher Education.. American Sociological Review. 2021;86(5).
Eaton C, Stevens ML. Universities as peculiar organizations. Sociology Compass. 2020;14(3):e12768.
Eaton C, Howell ST, Yannelis C. When Investor Incentives and Consumer Interests Diverge: Private Equity in Higher Education. The Review of Financial Studies. 2020;33:4024–4060.