Team Members

Sofia Aguilar

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Sofia Aguilar, a native of Los Angeles California, is a third-year student at the University of California, Merced pursuing an undergraduate degree in Public Health. She is a Student Researcher in Dr...

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Dr. Leia Belt

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Leia Belt, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts' (SSHA) Department of Sociology since January 2024. She holds an interdisciplinary PhD specializing...

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Rebecca Martinez

Staff Researcher

Rebecca Martinez is a Staff Researcher for the HOPe Lab in the Department of Public Health at UC Merced, in collaboration with Faith in the Valley, Fresno. Rebecca graduated with a BA in Public Health...

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Kimberly Montanez

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Kimberly Montanez is a fourth-year public health major here at UC Merced. She is a Central Valley local. During the pandemic, her interest for public health and her desire to help our community stay...

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