Stepien TL, Rutter EM, Kuang Y. Traveling waves of a go-or-grow model of glioma growth. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2018;78(3):1778–1801.
Rutter EM, Lagergren JH, Flores KB. Automated object tracing for biomedical image segmentation using a deep convolutional neural network. Springer; 2018. pp. 686–694.
Rutter EM, Banks H, LeBlanc GA, Flores KB. Continuous structured population models for Daphnia magna. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2017;79(11):2627–2648.
Mahdi A, Rutter EM, Payne SJ. Effects of non-physiological blood pressure artefacts on cerebral autoregulation. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2017;47:218–221.
Chakraborty A, Bingham D, Dhavala SS, Kuranz CC, Drake P, Grosskopf MJ, Rutter EM, Torralva BR, Holloway JP, McClarren RG, et al. Emulation of numerical models with over-specified basis functions. Technometrics. 2017;59(2):153–164.
Rutter EM, Kuang Y. Global dynamics of a model of joint hormone treatment with dendritic cell vaccine for prostate cancer. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B. 2017;22(3):1001.
Rutter EM, Stepien TL, Anderies BJ, Plasencia JD, Woolf EC, Scheck AC, Turner GH, Liu Q, Frakes D, Kodibagkar V, et al. Mathematical analysis of glioma growth in a murine model. Scientific reports. 2017;7(1):1–16.
Rutter EM. A mathematical journey of cancer growth. Arizona State University; 2016.
Gramacy RB, Bingham D, Holloway JP, Grosskopf MJ, Kuranz CC, Rutter E, Trantham M, Drake P. Calibrating a large computer experiment simulating radiative shock hydrodynamics. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 2015;9(3):1141–1168.
Stepien TL, Rutter EM, Kuang Y. A data-motivated density-dependent diffusion model of in vitro glioblastoma growth. Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering. 2015;12(6):1157.