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California ISO Renewables Watch: Tracks electricty for California as shown in the example pictures below (Aprl 21, 2019) A brief overview of growth in renewable electricity, California's renewable energy targets, and the concept of "capacity factor" Energy Information Administration: Electricity...

News & Events

Oct. 9, 2023, CEC Final Public Workshop "Understanding the Role of Long Duration Energy Storage in California’s Evolving Energy System" The California Energy Commission (CEC) hosted a workshop to share capacity expansion modeling results from the project “Modeling of Long-Duration Storage for...


The CEC-LDES project is funded by the California Energy Commission, to study the role of energy storage in the zero-carbon grid of the future. This project team includes UC Merced, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with participation from University of Texas...


Recent publications Note: if you have difficulty accessing one of these papers, please contact Zabir Mahmud and Sarah Kurtz, “ Effect of solar panel orientation and EV charging profile on grid design", Renewable Energy, vol. 231, 2024. On line This paper explores how fixed-tilt...

Modeling of Long-Duration Storage

Capacity expansion modeling seeks to answer the twin questions of " what should we build?" and " how much should we build?" in order to make sure energy demands can be met all throughout the year, at lowest cost, while being sufficiently guarded against sudden emergencies and unexpected developments...

Evaluation of Storage Technologies

Complementing the work on modeling of capacity expansion and dispatch, we are studying the storage technologies that may play roles in helping a zero-carbon grid function reliably at low cost. How efficient are different storage technologies (for every MWh you put in, how much can you get back out)...

Downloadable Reports

In this section you can find and download the generated CEC-LDES Project reports. Note: If you have issues downloading the files or questions/suggestions, please contact Sarah Kurtz Preliminary_Grid_Scenario_Analysis - This report defines a baseline scenario in response to the...