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78 results found

SRCD 2019

Graduate students Carmen Kho and Janice Disla presented their research at the biennial meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development conference in Baltimore, MD. Pictured above as part of the symposium: “Is it a Six or a Nine? Quantifying Parent-Adolescent Perspectives in Dynamic...

SRA 2016

Family Development Lab graduate student Carmen Kho presented her research on psychological control in Chinese American immigrant families at the Society for Research on Adolescence biennial meeting in Baltimore, MD.

First 5 Merced County grant

The Family Development Lab in collaboration with the Center for Early Cognition and Language (CECL – PI Dr. Rose Scott) and the Interpersonal Development (ID) Lab (PI Dr. Eric Walle) at UC Merced were awarded a grant from First 5 Merced County and a UC Merced Faculty Research Grant for the study,...

Alexandra Main

Professor Main's research focuses on social and emotional development of children and adolescents within the family context. Specifically, she is interested in the development of empathy and emotion regulation and how these processes are shaped by temperament, family, and culture. She is currently...

Lab Alumni

Former Graduate Students Abigail Bolter earned her PhD in Psychology from UC Merced in 2023. She graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a B.A. in Psychology, where she worked in Dr. Audun Dahl’s lab studying academic dishonesty. After that, she pursued an M.A. in psychological sciences from UC Merced...

Current Projects

Understanding Parental Involvement Study In collaboration with Dr. Mary Lewis at Oakland University and Dr. Wendy Rote at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, we are examining how parenting shapes adolescents' and young adults' social and emotional development using online and in-person...