Chen Y, Dou H, Tan K. Iterative learning control via weighted local-symmetrical-integration. Asian Journal of Control. 2001;3(4):352–356.
Publications by Year: 2001
Chen Y, Moore K. On Dα-type iterative learning control. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vols. 5. 2001. pp. 4451–4456.
Tan K, Dou H, Chen Y, Lee T. High precision linear motor control via relay-tuning and iterative learning based on zero-phase filtering. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2001;9(2):244–253.
Chen Y, Moore K. Analytical stability bound for a class of delayed fractional-order dynamic systems. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vols. 2. 2001. pp. 1421–1426.