"GPU-accelerated on-the-fly nonadiabatic semiclassical dynamics"

Myers CA, Miyazaki K, Trepl T, Isborn CM, Ananth N. "GPU-accelerated on-the-fly nonadiabatic semiclassical dynamics". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2024;161(8):084114.


"GPU-accelerated on-the-fly nonadiabatic dynamics is enabled by interfacing the linearized semiclassical dynamics approach with the TeraChem electronic structure program. We describe the computational workflow of the “PySCES” code interface, a Python code for semiclassical dynamics with on-the-fly electronic structure, including parallelization over multiple GPU nodes. We showcase the abilities of this code and present timings for two benchmark systems: fulvene solvated in acetonitrile and a charge transfer system in which a photoexcited zinc-phthalocyanine donor transfers charge to a fullerene acceptor through multiple electronic states on an ultrafast timescale. Our implementation paves the way for an efficient semiclassical approach to model the nonadiabatic excited state dynamics of complex molecules, materials, and condensed phase systems."
Last updated on 08/29/2024