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45 results found

Patrick's paper on cell networks in PNAS

Congratulations Patrick on his work on "Mechanical interactions direct multicellular network formation on elastic substrates" being accepted to PNAS!


For a more updated list of research interests and publications, please visit my google scholar profile Biological Physics: Cell Mechanics/Mechanobiology. Current research is revealing that mechanical forces are important to biology in a variety of ways: think of muscles contracting, or tissues being...

Hins Qiu wins CCBM undergraduate fellowship

Undergraduate student Hins Qiu who has been associated with our lab for almost two years now receives a CCBM student fellowship for the academic year 2023/2024. He will receive a stipend and additional mentoring from the CCBM - a NSF-funded center for biophysics/bioengineering on campus. He is...

Graduate student Patrick Noerr is awarded a poster prize

Graduate student in the group, Patrick Noerr, won second place in a poster competition organized by the CCBM - a NSF-supported interdiscipinary research center on campus - during their annual EAB (External Advisory Board0 Meeting day. Patrick's poster was entitled "Investigating mechanically...