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Useful links UC Merced Department of Public Health

SER 2020

Carrie Nobles (from NICHD) and I recently proposed a symposium on climate and health and just learned that it has been selected for the annual meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research 2020, which will be held June 16-19, 2020 in Boston. The title of the symposium is “Addressing climate...

PhD Students

If you are interested in joining the UC Merced Department of Public Health and/or working with me as a PhD student, please reach out and check out the Department's website for prospective students. Current PhD Students: Valerie Martinez (2019-) Valerie Martinez joined the doctoral program in the UC...

Current Projects

Air pollution health impact assessment (2022-2023, role: PI) Funded by the City of Fresno, this project aims to assess the impacts of air pollution among Fresno residents. The utilizes two approaches: 1) link large population-based health datasets to air pollution data to estimate the impacts of air...


Available upon request

Recent fact sheet highlighting local air pollution concerns

Our recent fact sheet , published by the UC Merced Community and Labor Center, shows that South Fresno residents experience high rates of health issues and air and noise pollution, and express strong support for public interventions to mitigate environmental issues. Our team is conducting a health...

Recent fact sheet highlighting local air pollution concerns

Our recent fact sheet , published by the UC Merced Community and Labor Center shows that South Fresno residents experience high rates of health issues and air and noise pollution, and express strong support for public interventions to mitigate environmental issues. Findings of this fact sheet is...

I will be Co-Chairing an SER 2020 Symposium (Dec 17, 2020 @12:45PST)

Dr. Ha will be co-chairing an upcoming symposium on climate change and heath at SER this year. --- Climate change and health: where are we? Dec 17 @ 1:45 pm – 3:15 pm (Mountain time) Session Co-Chair: Sandie Ha , University of California, Merced Session Co-Chair: Carrie Nobles , NICHD Climate change...