Xue S, Cao J, Chen Y. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a cracked rotor-bearing system with fractional order damping. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vols. 3. 2011. pp. 179–184.
Publications by Year: 2011
Song X, Chen Y, Tejado I, Vinagre B. Multivariable fractional order PID controller design via LMI approach. In: IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vols. 18. 2011. pp. 13960–13965.
Sun W, Chen Y, Li C. Multi-group consensus of heterogeneous fractional-order nonlinear agents via pinning control. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vols. 3. 2011. pp. 377–383.
Sheng H, Chen Y. Multifractional property analysis of human sleep eeg signals. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vols. 3. 2011. pp. 323–328.
Ahn H-S, Chen Y, Moore K. Multi-agent coordination by iterative learning control: Centralized and decentralized strategies. In: IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control - Proceedings. 2011. pp. 394–399.
Pagnini G, Chen Y. Mellin convolution for signal filtering and its application to the Gaussianization of l\ evy noise. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vols. 3. 2011. pp. 149–154.
Luo Y, Chao H, Di L, Chen Y. Lateral directional fractional order (PI)α control of a small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles: Controller designs and flight tests. IET Control Theory and Applications. 2011;5(18):2156–2167.
Jiao Z, Chen Y. Impulse response of a generalized fractional second order filter. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vols. 3. 2011. pp. 303–310.
Coopmans C, Di L, Jensen A, Dennis A, Chen Y. Improved architecture designs for a low cost personal remote sensing platform: Flight control and safety. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. Vols. 3. 2011. pp. 937–943.
Sheng H, Chen Y, Qiu T. Heavy-tailed distribution and local long memory in time series of molecular motion on the cell membrane. Fluctuation and Noise Letters. 2011;10(1):93–119.