Mehdi is studying the behavior of materials at extreme conditions. His currernt research focuses particularly on computational high energy density physics (branch of physics that intersects condensed matter physics and plasma physics) — at extreme conditions of pressure and/or temperature. He is working to provide necessary predictions to collaborative experiment groups working in this area of research.
Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Merced, Fall 2018 - ongoing
M.Phil. in Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2017
M.S. in Physics, Jahangirnagar University, 2012
B.Sc. in Physics, Jahangirnagar University, 2011
Research and Projects:
Investigation of continuum lowering in solid materials under extreme pressure (Computational)
Synthesize and analyses of plasma polymerized thin solid films (Experimental and Computational)
Properties of nonlinear waves in dusty plasmas (Computational)
Participation in Conference, College, Symposium (since 2018)
- Conference: “2nd Berkeley Excited States Conference (BESC2021)”; Virtual, Center for Computational Study of Excited-State Phenomena in Energy Materials (C2SEPEM), LBNL, USA (January 7-8, 2020).
- Conference: “2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (PPPS 2019)”; Florida, USA (23-28 June, 2019). [Poster presented]
- Symposium: “UC Solar Research Symposium”, San-Francisco, USA (October 19, 2018).
Participation in Workshop, Mini-School, Training (since 2018)
- Workshop: “2021 HybriD3 Theory Training Workshop”; Virtual, Duke University and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA (January 19-21, 2021).
- Workshop: “7th BerkeleyGW Tutorial Workshop”; Virtual, Center for Computational Study of Excited-State Phenomena in Energy Materials (C2SEPEM), LBNL, USA (January 4-6, 2020).
- Workshop: “Virtual Electronic Structure Workshop”; Center for Chemical Computation and Theory (ccCAT) and Consortium for High Energy Density Science (CfHEDS), University of California, Merced, CA, USA (3-5 June, 2020). [Poster presented]
- Workshop: “Virtual Tapia-MolSSI Workshop in Computational Chemistry”; MolSSI Headquarters, Blackburg, VA and Rice University, Houston, Texas. USA (20-24 July, 2020). [Oral Presentation]
- Mini-School: “Theoretical and Computational Methods in Plasma Physics”; Florida, USA (22-23 June, 2019).
Awards/Grants for Research (since 2018)
- “Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant (/Phelps Award)”, 2019 (from the Mini-School and Conference of PPPS 2019, Orlando, Florida). Sponsored by IEEE-NPSS.
Publications (will be updated later)