Zakharov A, Awan M, Gopinath A, Lee S-JJ, Ramasubramanian AK, Dasbiswas K. Clots reveal anomalous elastic behavior of fiber networks. Science Advances. 2024;10(2):eadh1265.
Noerr PS, Alvarado JEZ, Golnaraghi F, McCloskey KE, Gopinathan A, Dasbiswas K. Optimal mechanical interactions direct multicellular network formation on elastic substrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2023;120(45):e2301555120.
Kumar A, Quint D, Dasbiswas K. Range and strength of mechanical interactions of force dipoles in elastic fiber networks. Soft Matter. 2023;19(30):5805–5823.
Maji A, Dasbiswas K, Rabin Y. Shape Transitions in Network Model of Active Elastic Shells. Soft Matter. 2023.
Bose S, Noerr PS, Gopinathan A, Gopinath A, Dasbiswas K. Collective states of active particles with elastic dipolar interactions. Frontiers in Physics. 2022;10:876126.
Noerr PS, Alvarado JEZ, Golnaraghi F, McCloskey KE, Gopinathan A, Dasbiswas K. Optimal mechanical interactions direct multicellular network formation on elastic substrates. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14088. 2022.
Zakharov A, Dasbiswas K. Mechanochemical induction of wrinkling morphogenesis on elastic shells. Soft Matter. 2021.
Memarian FL, Lopes JD, Schwarzendahl FJ, Athani MG, Sarpangala N, Gopinathan A, Beller DA, Dasbiswas K, Hirst LS. Active nematic order and dynamic lane formation of microtubules driven by membrane-bound diffusing motors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021;118(52):e2117107118.
Zakharov A, Dasbiswas K. Modeling mechanochemical pattern formation in elastic sheets of biological matter. The European Physical Journal E. 2021;44(6):82.
Schwarzendahl FJ, Ronceray P, Weirich KL, Dasbiswas K. Self-organization and shape change by active polarization in nematic droplets. Physical Review Research. 2021;3:043061.