Chao H, Cao Y, Chen Y. Autopilots for small unmanned aerial vehicles: A survey. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2010;8(1):36–44.
Publications by Type: Journal Article
Li C, Gong Z, Qian D, Chen Y. On the bound of the Lyapunov exponents for the fractional differential systems. Chaos. 2010;20(1).
Sun H, Chen W, Chen Y. Variable-order fractional differential operators in anomalous diffusion modeling. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2009;388(21):4586–4592.
Li Y, Chen Y. When is a Mittag-Leffler function a Nussbaum function?. Automatica. 2009;45(8):1957–1959.
Ahn H-S, Chen Y. State-dependent friction force compensation using periodic adaptive learning control. Mechatronics. 2009;19(6):896–904.
Li Y, Chen Y, Podlubny I. Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional order nonlinear dynamic systems. Automatica. 2009;45(8):1965–1969.
Ahn H-S, Bhambhani V, Chen Y. Fractional-order integral and derivative controller for temperature profile tracking. Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences. 2009;34(5):833–850.
Podlubny I, Chechkin A, Skovranek T, Chen Y, Jara BV. Matrix approach to discrete fractional calculus II: Partial fractional differential equations. Journal of Computational Physics. 2009;228(8):3137–3153.
Luo Y, Chen Y. Fractional order [proportional derivative] controller for a class of fractional order systems. Automatica. 2009;45(10):2446–2450.
Monje C, Vinagre B, Feliu V, Chen Y. Tuning and auto-tuning of fractional order controllers for industry applications. Control Engineering Practice. 2008;16(7):798–812.